Thursday, June 10, 2010

The freshness of Anton Chekhov

This man is the reason I first wanted to become an academic 5 years ago while reading "Race Matters" on the way to school. A lot has changed since then (and I've been back and forth about pursuing academia as a full-time career) but what remains unchanged is my admiration for Cornel's ability to make theory, and theorists, accessible for anyone with a desire to listen. The way he talks about style, both in a general sense and from a broader perspective, is absolutely on-point. How many brothas you know cite Chekhov as their primary sartorial influence? C'mon son!

When I did my "admitted students" visit at Princeton this past year, I bumped into Cornel on my way to the bathroom. He was incredibly kind, and seemed thoroughly interested in knowing whether or not I was coming to Princeton. I told him I was still deciding. He said he would pray for me. Not gonna lie, I took that as a sign. Hopefully, the Lord will anoint my time there in the future. Beyond excited to get this part of my life on the way.


  1. My hero.

    Love his words, but that camera work makes me dizzy.

  2. Yea the camwork was def annoying. lol However, I love Cornell West! He is just too smooth! haha Great man!
